Grunnkurs i bruk av Trancendmetoden med Erika Degortes

Seminaret 'Grunnkurs i bruk av Transcend-metoden' er en del av vår pågående utdanning for fred. Det er en mulighet til å gå dypere inn i Transcend-metoden og finne innovative løsninger på hverdagslige konflikter. Enten mellom individer, grupper, stater eller kulturer, er metoden anvendelig i enhver kontekst.

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Freitag 9 Mai 2025 17:00

Endet Sonntag 11 Mai 2025 14:00

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Overnatting i flersengsrom, fredag til søndag. Du vil dele rom med andre deltagere.
Overnatting i enkeltrom fredag til søndag
Grunnkurs i Trancendmetoden
Deltagelse på seminaret hele helgen
Fullpensjon hele helgen. Fredag: Middag Lørdag: Frokost, lunsj og middag Søndag: Frokost og lunsj
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What is it? The Transcend Method is a simple yet powerful approach to conflict resolution. Developed by Johan Galtung over sixty years of experience, this method includes engaging in dialogue with all parties involved in a conflict to identify their goals and perspectives.

Why is it unique? Unlike traditional legal systems that determine who is right or wrong based on laws, the Transcend Method operates on a different paradigm. It acknowledges that conflicts arise from incompatible goals and focuses on understanding the legitimate goals of all parties. The aim is to find peaceful means to satisfy these goals.

How does it work? Inspired by medical sciences, the method follows three key steps:

1. Conflict Mapping - Identifying the parties and their goals.

2. Legitimacy Test - Distinguishing between legitimate goals and illegitimate means.

3. Solution Building - Crafting ideas that bring mutual and equitable benefits to all involved.

Join Our Seminar! Our seminar is an integral part of our ongoing education for peace. Its an opportunity to delve deeper into the Transcend Method and find innovative solutions to everyday conflicts. Whether between individuals, groups, states, or cultures, the method is applicable to any context.

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Hardangerakademiet, Nordisk senter for fred, utvikling og miljø